Conference/BOOKS(Bristol UP): cybernetics and platform-based radical movements

Adi Kuntsman

Anarchist Cybernetics: Control and Communication in Radical Politics Moving from digital capitalism and algorithmic control to radical resistance, this book looks at alternative social media platforms and networks and ways in which they facilitate radical organising, protest, autonomy and anarchist activism. Documenting strategies, tactics and opportunities, the book offers hope: can we think of building alternative networked connectivity and alternative social media, from the ground up?

Guerrilla Democracy: Mobile Power and Revolution in the 21st Century Continuing the topic of hope and resistance, this book focuses on "guerrilla democrats" and on various radical social movements, made possible in - and despite - controlling, invasive and exploitative environments. These include online networking and voting, strikers in the gig economy, and more. Neither celebratory nor grim, the book invites us to think about the relations between technology, changing political landscapes, and resistance.