
Digital Politics Summer School

The School is directed by Dr Adi Kuntsman, offering annual events since 2021, aimed primarily at postgraduate students and early career researchers, but open to attendees from all career stages. Established during the Covid-19 pandemic, the School remains online, allowing access to participants around the world, without the need to travel. Attending the School is free of charge. Each year, the School focuses on a specific theme, and inlcudes talks, masterclasses, workshops, and publicaiton opportunities.

  • Summer School 2021: Digital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures

Digital Politics PhD Group

Since launching our PhD programme in Digital Politics in 2019, we have been holding regular monthly meetings, which inclide reading group meetings, invited guest talks, and discussions of work in progress. In 2023, we are delighted to launch our first conference, showcasing our staff expertise and PhD projects: What is Digital Politics today? 11 May 2023

International Collaborations

We also organise events in collaboration with other research groups and think tanks. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please email us to discuss.