Summer School

Digital Politics Summer School is directed by Dr Adi Kuntsman, offering annual events since 2021. The School is aimed primarily at postgraduate
students and early career researchers, but is open to attendees from all
career stages. Established during the Covid-19 pandemic, the School
remains online, allowing access to participants around the world,
without the need to travel. Attending the School is free of charge. Each year, the School focuses on a specific theme, and inlcudes talks,
masterclasses, workshops, and publicaiton opportunities.

Summer School 2024: Digital Harms

Summer School 2023: Can we 'reduce, reuse, refuse'.. the digital?

Summer School 2022: Digital technologies and the environment

Winter School 2022: Digita Citizenship and its limits

Summer School 2021: Digital Politics, Digital Histories, Digital Futures

We welcome collaborations with other PhD programmes and with individual researchers. Please contact Adi Kuntsman a[.]kuntsman[@]mmu[.]ac[.]uk to discuss.