EVENT: Digital Politics Winter School is coming!
We are delighted to announce our Postgraduate Winter School in Digital Politics, taking place online on 14-18 February 2022
This Winter School makes a series of critical interventions into the field of digital citizenship, in both so-called democratic and so-called authoritarian states. The School will focus particularly on how the interactions between individuals or communities and the state, in areas such as public services, welfare, border control, and policing, are mediated by digital platforms, on-line communication, algorithms and the AI. Participants will explore the following questions: What are the injustices involved in being a subject of a digital state? What is the human cost of e-governance, digital border control, high tech policing, or on-line surveillance? What are the results of digital non-freedoms - distress, despair, loss of income, poverty, starvation, imprisonment, death? Who are the captive subjects and dependant victims of state digitisation? And finally, what are the possibilities to rethink, challenge, survive and resist the violence of digital citizenship?
The School is organised by our Digital Politics researchers cluster and generously supported by the Digital Society Research Group (DISC@ManMet) at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Manchester Metropolitan University, as part of the Digital Society @ Manchester 2022 events.
You are welcome to attend all events, or only some of them. Each event has it's own registration link, listed in the programme below. Please make sure to register separately to all the events you plan to attend. Masterclasses and workshops have a limited number of places - make sure to register asap!

Many UK universities take place in a UCU strike on 14-18 February. Although Manchester Met is not striking on those days but in the following week, we stand in solidarity with those who are. A talk by one of the speakers, based in one of the striking universities, has therefore been rescheduled and will take place in the week before the Winter School. The rest of the event will take place as planned.
Day 1, 14 February
- 11.00-12.30 Introduction and welcome, Adi Kuntsman
Keynote: Data-driven Policing: the hardwiring of racist citizenship and law enforcement practices, Patrick Williams Register
- Rescheduled to 11 February 2.30-4.00 Book launch and talk: The Digital Border: Migration, Technology, Power, Lilie Chouliaraki and Myria Georgiou Register
Day 2, 15 February
- 10.30-12.00 Q&A and discussion: Racial justice, technology and digital rights, with Ade Adewunmi , Laurence Meyer, Nani Jansen Reventlow and Tracey Gyateng Register
- 2.00-3.30 Roundtable discussion: states, businesses, citizens. Competing Articulations of Networked Citizenship in Russia, Tetyana Lokot; Whose time?” Exploring discourses on digital citizenship in the case of experimental legal regimes in Russia’, Dmitry Muravyov Register
Day 3, 16 February
- 10.00 -11.30 Masterclass: Exploring e-government and “unfreedom by design”, Alexey Sidorenko (Part I) Register
- 1.30-3.00 Talk: Digital Citizenship in the Age of Algorithmic Cruelty, Adi Kuntsman Register
Day 4, 17 February
- 12-1.30 Masterclass: Exploring e-government (Part II)
Day 5, 18 February
- 11.00- 4.30 Digital reflection: discussing digital economy, digital carcerality, digital apartheid and decolonising the digital, facilitated by Khadijah Diskin Register